Now you can enjoy buy-1-get-1-free offers that renew every month.

Never miss your chance to save with the largest collection of offers in Qatar.


Get it FREE with Ooredoo!

Now you can enjoy buy-1-get-1-free offers that renew every month.

Never miss your chance to save with the largest collection of offers in Qatar.

Explore, save, repeat!

Get thousands of offers at popular places near you, and enjoy a simple way to save on everyday experiences.


Find places you'll love

Explore new places and enjoy offers with friends or family, or by yourself. 


Use offers again & again

Get more savings with offers that renew every month.  


Share the savings

Share the savings by gifting offers to friends & family.

How it works


Step 1

Pick an offerPick from thousands of offers and hundreds of locations


Step 2

Tell the staffWhen you order, tell the staff that you will use Urban Point


Step 3

Avail and saveThe merchant will enter his pin to use the offer and you get the discount

How it works

1. Pick an offer


2. Tell the staff


3. Avail & save


Our Partners

Enjoy saving on thousands of monthly renewing offers at 1,000+ merchant partners including:

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What our customers say about us

"Urban Point is the perfect savings app. They have the largest variety of offers, and the offers renew every month. The best part is that it's free for Ooredoo postpaid plans!"

March 20, 2024

Sandra S.

Kareem H.

Fato O.


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